Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, May 19, 2023

Watch, Oh Men, the Storm Is About to Break Out!

Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of May 13, 2023


Today's anniversary of My Apparition in Fatima:

renew the consecration to My Immaculate Heart, put yourselves all "Mine" so that I, Mother of Jesus, may lead you to Him. Allow Me to heal you as Jesus asks, give Me the chance to make you immaculate in love.

God the Father commands your urgent conversion O men, the time allotted to you is now over, the northern lights are already dawning on the world to announce to you the arrival of She who will lead you to the final challenge against Satan: she will descend radiant with light and bestow the Holy Spirit on her Children, on those who so lovingly, in absolute faithfulness to her Son Jesus, have walked. Charity is waiting for your awakening, O men!

Do not delay,...let it be "now" your conversion; return to Him who loved you to the point of giving His own life for your salvation, let your heart be full of love for Him.

Watch, Oh men, the storm is about to break! Beloved Children, O you who still doubt these appeals of Mine and do not show heed: verily I say unto you that you will weep, alone you cannot be saved.

You have snubbed Life, You have crucified Him, mocked Him, forsaken Him, turned Him away, you have discarded the Cornerstone, now, who will be able to help you? To whom will you turn in despair, Satan? Poor men, your pride has made you deaf, blind, insensitive!

Repent, Oh men, repent!

From heaven, the sound of the shofar will call to the gathering of the Children of God, they will be sheltered in its shelters, safe;

while you, My poor Children, you who have not heeded the appeals of Heaven, you, who have discarded the only Refuge of salvation, ...your Creator God, ...where will you find shelter? I am afflicted with grief! ...I will see many Children die, I will see the despair in their eyes, I will hear their cries for help, but I will not be able to intervene because their choice was to live the world and follow the enemy.

Beloved Children, I appeal to your common sense: repent in these last remaining moments before the Devil exiles in his highest madness!

Today I bless you in a special way, may your hearts be open to My Blessing.

I love you, I hold you close to My Immaculate Heart.

Rise up NOW!

Abandon the false path that is leading you to the great tribulation!

The false lights will now go out and the darkness will be devastating: it is urgent that you return to your Master, your Savior Jesus, now.


Source: ➥